BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in Meridian Enterprise > Working with documents > Working with drawing tags > Viewing drawing tags

Viewing drawing tags is easy and is the first step before you can link objects to vault drawings.

To view the current tag information for a drawing:

  1. Select the drawing in PowerUser that contains tag information that you want to view. For information on finding documents, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User’s Guide.
  2. Click the Objects tab in Properties pane. The Objects property page appears.
  3. Click Synchronize Links. The Drawing Tags dialog box appears and shows the tags that are found in the drawing.

The following table contains descriptions of each column.

Drawing Tags columns
Column Description

Object Nr.

The value of a drawing tag attribute found in current drawing by the last tag extraction. The value might have a prefix or postfix applied as configured by a system administrator. Consult a system administrator for the names of blocks and attributes that are configured for drawing tag integration.


The drawing tag type assigned to the attribute value.


The status of the drawing tag in relation to a matching vault object. The possible values are described in the following table.


Indicates a drawing tag that was found inserted in the current drawing.


Indicates that the current drawing is linked to the matching vault object.


The name of a matching vault object. These names are the same as the objects listed on the Objects property page.

The following table contains descriptions of the possible Status column values.

Status columns
Value Description

Only in the document

A drawing tag exists for which no matching object could be found. To create and link a matching object, see Creating objects from drawing tags.

Not linked

A drawing tag with a matching object was found but the drawing has not yet been linked. To link the matching object, see Linking and unlinking drawings and objects.

Mismatch found

A drawing tag with a matching object was found but the vault object is not linked to the drawing and the tag type assigned to the vault object does not match the drawing tag type. To correct the vault object type, see Viewing and editing object properties.


The drawing tag and vault object correctly match and are the drawing is linked.

Mismatch referenced

The vault object is linked to the drawing, but the tag type assigned to the vault object does not match the drawing tag type. To correct the vault object type, see Viewing and editing object properties.

Only in vault

A drawing tag with a matching object was found but the vault object is not linked to the drawing and the tag type assigned to the vault object does not match the drawing tag type. To correct the vault object type, see Viewing and editing object properties.

Note    By default, a drawing's tag list is updated whenever the drawing is saved in AutoCAD or the Drawing Tags dialog is shown. To view updated Status information, such as after editing object properties, click Refresh.

Tip    To filter the list of tags on a specific value, select the value from the column heading's list.

  1. When you are finished viewing drawing tags, click Close.

Related concepts

Working with drawing tags

Related tasks

Viewing and editing object properties

Creating objects from drawing tags

Linking and unlinking drawings and objects

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